Dr. Michelle Monje, IronMatt MAC Member, Published for Advancement in Treatment of Diffuse Midline Gliomas with CAR-T Cells

Drs. monje and Mackall in their lab.

Dr. Michelle Monje, a member of the IronMatt Medical Advisory Committee, and her colleague, Dr. Crystal Mackall, both of Stanford Medicine led a promising immune cell trial which led to the shrinkage of tumors in children battling a typically incurable brain cancer, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma or DIPG.

The trial studies the effectiveness of CAR-T cells, or chimeric antigen receptor T cells, in binding to and fighting specific brain tumors. Nine out of the eleven children in the trial saw reduction in their tumors and/or reversal of the disabilities that accompany the tumor.

The findings, published online Nov. 13, 2024 in Nature showed such promise, the FDA has awarded the study with a regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation, fast tracking it through the approval process.

Click here to read the full article in the Stanford Medicine News Center.