Navigating the hardships of a child’s pediatric brain tumor diagnosis can take a financial toll on families and caregivers.
The IronMatt Family Assistance Program supports families in need of financial assistance. We are one of only a few foundations that assists families, regardless of their socio-economic status, the type of brain tumor (malignant or benign), or the progression of the disease.
Families wishing to apply to the program should contact their hospital social worker and download the application form below.
How It Works
To apply to the IronMatt Family Assistance Program, families and caregivers need to contact their hospital social services representative.
All requests must be coordinated through a hospital’s social worker program. For more information or help, contact us at
Social service representatives can download the IronMatt Family Assistance Application below.

IronKids are the direct recipients of your generous donations to IronMatt. They are strong. They are fearless. They inspire us to go the extra mile in the fight against pediatric brain cancer.
Through the Family Assistance Program, we are able to support families of children with pediatric brain tumors. Since 2007, we have helped over 2,000 families across the United States who are fighting this disease.
We have been lucky enough to develop deep connections with the children and the families supported by the Family Assistance Program, and we would love for you to get to know our IronKids too!

The Children's Place proudly supports IronKids and their families.
IronMatt has a continued partnership with The Children’s Place to benefit the families dealing with a brain tumor diagnosis.
Each time a new family enters the Family Assistance Program, the IronKid and each of his/her siblings receives a $100 gift certificate to The Children’s Place. In addition, each of the IronKids gets a new set of Children’s Place pajamas to keep them cozy during their treatments and recovery.
Read About Our IronKids

IronKid Lily is a Big Sister
Attendees at the 2024 September Gala learned about IronKid Lily and her battle with DIPG. We also learned that Lily had a bit of good news coming her way, mom

IronKid Casey Taub Honored by Town of New Castle
The Town of New Castle honored IronKid Casey Taub by renaming a sports field after him. Casey was a soccer player who lost a three-year battle against a pediatric brain

This IronKid Battled War as Well as a Pediatric Brain Tumor
The Ukrainian war wasn’t the worst thing to hit the Negodiuk family. Just two days earlier, they had been hit by an even bigger bomb — their child, two-year-old Mark,
Get Involved
Discover how you can support the IronMatt cause today, and join an incredible community of supportive families, social workers, doctors, and researchers.
A pediatric brain tumor diagnosis is not a journey anyone should travel alone.
Together, we can free families from financial stress and fight childhood brain cancer.
Together, we are strong. We are fearless. We are IronMatt.