Joe Albertini has been inspired by his co-worker, Drew Malsbury, to start a giving campaign for IronMatt. For years Drew has donated his gorgeous locks to charities to help make wigs for children undergoing cancer treatment. Unfortunately the grays are beginning to show and this year will be Drew’s last donation. That’s where Joe plans to take the mantle of caring for children dealing with cancer. Joe is a New Jersey resident and wanted to find a local charity to support. He found IronMatt and is excited support our research and family assistance programs.
“This is an opportunity for each of us to contribute and continue the legacy of giving that Drew has built over the years”
Joe will start an email campaign this holiday season inviting his family, friends and co-workers to support children battling pediatric brain tumors. Donate today to help the cause.
Want to start your own giving campaign? Contact Sue Kwon for more information.